Renal Gene Expression Database (RGED) a relational database of gene expression profiles in kidney disease


We present a bioinformatics database named Renal Gene Expression Database (RGED), which contains comprehensive gene expression data sets from renal disease research. The web-based interface of RGED allows users to query the gene expression profiles in various kidney-related samples, including renal cell lines, human kidney tissues and murine model kidneys. Researchers can explore certain gene profiles, the relationships between genes of interests and identify biomarkers or even drug targets in kidney diseases. The aim of this work is to provide a user-friendly utility for the renal disease research community to query expression profiles of genes of their own interest without the requirement of advanced computational skills.

Q. (Johnson) Zhang
A computational biologist

Genomics/Transcriptomics/Proteomics/Single Cell RNA-seq/Biological Network/Systems Biology