Rewiring of the Human Mitochondrial Interactome during Neuronal Reprogramming Reveals Regulators of the Respirasome and Neurogenesis


Mitochondrial protein (MP) assemblies undergo alterations during neurogenesis, a complex process vital in brain homeostasis and disease. Yet which MP assemblies remodel during differentiation remains unclear. Here, using mass spectrometry-based co-fractionation profiles and phosphoproteomics, we generated mitochondrial interaction maps of human pluripotent embryonal carcinoma stem cells and differentiated neuronal-like cells, which presented as two discrete cell populations by single-cell RNA sequencing. The resulting networks, encompassing 6,442 high-quality associations among 600 MPs, revealed widespread changes in mitochondrial interactions and site-specific phosphorylation during neuronal differentiation.

Q. (Johnson) Zhang
A computational biologist

Genomics/Transcriptomics/Proteomics/Single Cell RNA-seq/Biological Network/Systems Biology
