

The EPIC toolkit was initially published here: Hu, L. Z., et al. “EPIC: software toolkit for elution profile-based inference of protein complexes.” Nature methods 16.8 (2019): 737-742. Link to the publication Forked from the orignial repository, I have created RunEPIC to provide the code to run EPIC locally. 1. Environment The main function in EPIC was implemented in Python, given the headache caused by various libraries, the Anaconda enrionment was used.

Rewiring of the Human Mitochondrial Interactome during Neuronal Reprogramming Reveals Regulators of the Respirasome and Neurogenesis


A Tag-Based Affinity Purification Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Systematic Isolation of the Human Mitochondrial Protein Complexes


Statistical Modelling of AP-MS Data (SMAD)

This R package implements statistical modelling of affinity purification–mass spectrometry (AP-MS) data to compute confidence scores to identify bona fide protein-protein interactions (PPI). Installation The development version can be installed through github: devtools::install_github(repo="zqzneptune/SMAD") library(SMAD) Input Data A demo data.frame was provided as a hint how the input data should strcutured in order to run the scoring functions: data(TestDatInput) colnames(TestDataInput) [1] "idRun" "idBait" "idPrey" "countPrey" "lenPrey" idRun idBait idPrey countPrey lenPrey Unique ID of one AP-MS run Bait ID Prey ID Prey peptide count Protein sequence length of the prey In case of duplcates, a suffix or prefix of e.

Awsome affinity purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS)

A collection of resources regarding affinity purification mass spectrometry proteomics for the identification of protein-protein interactions. Algorithms Year Algorithm Publication Implementation 2006 SAI (socio-affinity index) Anne-Claude Gavin et al., Nature 2007 partial least squares based regression model Rob M Ewing et al., Mol Syst Biol 2007 PE (purification enrichment) Sean R. Collins et al., Molecular & Cellular Proteomics SMAD 2007 Hart G Traver Hart et al.

Global landscape of cell envelope protein complexes in Escherichia coli


A Map of Human Mitochondrial Protein Interactions Linked to Neurodegeneration Reveals New Mechanisms of Redox Homeostasis and NF-κB Signaling


Renal oncocytoma characterized by the defective complex I of the respiratory chain boosts the synthesis of the ROS scavenger glutathione